Holy over-weighted exams and essays Batman!

So I’m onto day two of school starting my new program – the After-degree Education program at U of A. And holy macaroni! Finals worth 50%?!? An essay worth 50%?!?!

What if shit happens and you blow it due to unforeseen circumstances?

Also, I feel super blown away by the multitude of things I have to do – assignments, essays, oral presentations, seminars… gah. How did I ever pull off 5 full classes AND labs?

Ah well – I’m going to give it a shot. And I’ll be working p/t this time too, so my GPA outcome should be interesting.

I got a free pen the other day from the Edmonton Transit System tent and it works pretty well! I’m pretty happy with it because give-aways are usually shit.

I’ve been making different lunches and breakfasts and while doing that I give a taste to the cat (a lick off the finger). She has decided that she fancies mild curry and rice, peanut butter, blueberry jam and tomato sauce from lasagne. She’s got quite the broad pallet.

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