Tag Archives: library

Hello Fall

The leaves are falling, the air is chilled and the rain has returned (eventually to be replaced by snow). I’m trying not to be worried about winter, but I admit, it is hard. The minute I believe it is summer I start worrying about winter (which ends up making my summer experience less summery). Why worry about the inevitable? I’m starting to employ the mantra “If you can’t fix it then stop fretting about it.” It makes me worry less about silly things.

I am taking a library course on comics and graphic novels for my education option course this term. I’ve read quite a few comics and will probably post my reviews once I have some breathing room (probably at christmas). Also I don’t want my teacher to think I’m stealing off myself for the reviews. That would be awkward.

Otherwise work at the cafe is going swell, I’m becoming a better barista slowly, and I’m starting to get the hang of the daily tasks (well.. I’ve got sweeping and mopping down-pat). I’m also trying to find “my special drink” that I make and enjoy every shift – and it has to be low fat/sugar because I’m bloody overweight. I guess I don’t really look fat but if I wear something tight I definitely am chubby around the midriff.

I would also like to state that I have currently accomplished one big task that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I am living not just in the same province or city, but in the same apartment as my boyfriend! So exciting! AND as a bonus – my kitty is with us. These are my two prerequesites to being happy. Having Josh and Hiero – my two favourites – with me at the same time. We still have a few kinks to work out however (like the fact that he is allergic to her) but we’ll work it out. For now it is being handled with allergy pills, vacuuming and cat bathing. I am happy to wake up and always look forward to going home after school and work.